Darkness Surrounds

This one warrants some kind of explanation. I wrote this one in college, but I'm not completely sure what it was for. I am 95% sure this wasn't just some emotional binge writing. I think it was supposed to be a part of a history/mythology-inspired work of poetry (parts of which I'll post later) that I never fully tied into mythology or modeled after a historical figure. So view this as a work in progress. You may end up seeing a finished version re-uploaded at a later date.

The dark and the cold
I trudge through the silence
Trying not to fall,
Fall into despair and depression.

No one is there for comfort,
Only the dark and cold around me
Silence, but the sounds of my footsteps.

I’m trying to get to the warmth
To friends and smiles
Laughter and hope
To the music.

For there I can be me
I can live and love
Embraced, I feel safe.

But I am in the ever-darkening night
Surrounded by silence
The cold saps my strength and will
Trying desperately to go where I’m wanted

The evil one is lurking
Waiting to pounce
I feel abandoned… 

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